Welcome to Nethergreen Surgery
Online Services
Registered patients can use our online services or the NHS app to make and cancel appointments, order repeat prescriptions, get test results and update your details. Please contact us to register for these.
Have your say - The Friends and Family Test
How was your experience of our service? - Do you have any comments on what went well or any suggestions for improvements? Please let us know via our Friends and Family survey
Join our new ‘Hero of Health’ Walk & Talks, starting from the surgery 1pm on Tuesdays!
We have partnered with Hero of Health who bring neighbourhoods together to share healthy lifestyle habits. This is where everyone can support each other to build life-long strength, fitness, health and friendships.
Walks are suitable for all abilities and can accommodate mobility aids. No need to book - just turn up outside the surgery at 1pm.
Click on the this link to join your Hero of Health Neighbourhood WhatsApp group:
Appointment System Patient Survey
In July 2022 we invited patients to give their opinion regarding the Practice’s appointment system. This included asking for people’s preferences with methods of booking, types and times of appointments as well as the opportunity to give comments.
Thank you for all those who took part, and to everyone who has provided feedback via other means. We value patient experiences of the service and your comments were very useful in helping shape how we make appointments available.
As a result of your feedback, we have made some changes to our appointment system, including opening up more appointments for pre-booking (as opposed to calling at 8am the day an appointment is required) and enabling these to be face to face in the first instance rather than a telephone call.
The full survey can be downloaded here.
Disabled Patients & Carers
If you or a family member have a disability please let us know. We are able to make reasonable adjustments to enable you to have the same level of access as other patients. This could involve longer appointments, appointments at specific times, alternative methods of booking appointments, home visits, large print documents etc.
We support the NHS Accessible Information Standard, and endeavour to identify, share and meet any of our patients’ special communication requirements. Please let us know if you have any such preferences. The website http://www.easyhealth.org.uk has a variety of useful leaflets in accessible formats.
We also have an on-site car park for blue-badge holders only. Please let reception know if you have any special requirements. Our ground floor is adapted to support patients with limited mobility, however access the the 1st story is by stairway only. We will always endeavour to see patients downstairs should this be an issue. Please let a receptionist know if you would like to be seen on the ground floor and we will be happy to accommodate you.
If you are a carer please let us know and we can add you to our carers' register. There is a great deal of support for carers available - We have a notice board in the surgery outlining local events and contacts.
Caring for someone with dementia in Sheffield from Sheffield Carers Centre on Vimeo.
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